Julian Simmons

Julian Simmons was born in London in 1971. In 2007 he moved to Suffolk, where he now lives and works. He has been a student and visiting lecturer at the RCA, from where having developed a programmable electronic drawing machine he received a doctorate in Fine Art (2004). He has been involved in photography for 30 years, designing and making systems for radio-controlled aerial photography. As an expert printmaker he has collaborated with Sarah Lucas for exhibitions in London, Brussels, Auckland and Krems, as well as film-works shown at Situation, London.

Publications include PENETRALIA (2008) artist-printed limited edition; later this year TITTIPUSSIDAD, a documentary catalogue; and ENERGY DAIRIES (2011) DVD+CD box set. He has recently developed an experimental sound synthesis instrument employing Pure-Data and has released two albums: NUMBERSTREAM and NUMBERSTREAM0 which have links with Snape and the Suffolk coast. Simmons exhibited print-works and performed a sound piece at the opening of SNAP 2011.